Dr. Edit Frank - Attorney at law, european law specialist

1122 Budapest, Maros street 7. ground floor: 2.
Phone/fax: 36-1-356-7724
Mobil: 36-30-280-6918
E-mail: drfrankedit@t-email.hu
Introduce oneself

I started my career as a judge, and continued as an in-house legal counsel in a bank, then in 1997 I set up my own office.
My office mainly deals with real estate and corporate matters. Besides bank law, I offer legal services relating to matters of foundations, societies, copyright and trademark issues. I also accept litigation cases arising from contractual relations.
In 2009, I obtained my second degree in European Law in English. The topic of my thesis was "Electronic Commercial Contracts in the European Union". My Office is situated at Maros street, between Moszkva square and the Déli Station. It is accessible by public transport or by car; there are parking spaces available.
Ezt a honlapot Dr. Frank Edit egyéni ügyvéd, a Budapesti Ügyvédi Kamarában bejegyzett ügyvéd tartja fenn az ügyvédekre vonatkozó jogszabályok és belső szabályzatok szerint, melyek az ügyféljogokra vonatkozó tájékoztatással együtt a www.magyarugyvedikamara.hu honlapon találhatóak.
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